In the toltec tradition, a nagual is a woman or man of power who has the ability to change another’s perception. Think about that. To change another’s perception is to change their life, their reality and their world! A shaman is much the same in the way that they may be in this world, but their true connection and nature is sourced from another reality, the unseen world. They are not holy people, they are masters of their art.

Yes, there are still a few here and there, and if you find your way to one, congratulations! They are not easily accesible, nor do they seek notariaty or even company. From time to time they are bound to take on apprentices who they recognize, but they aren’t for the weak-hearted. Their very nature is to push the living fear out of you. Their focus is liberation of the soul and no matter how humble they may seem, don’t be fooled, they are ferocious and tenacious! Their boundaries are made of steel, because they know themselves with absolute resolve and precision. In the shamanic world, that is the definition of INTEGRITY, being complete within oneself.

In today’s world there are many wannabes who grab titles and glamorize the notion of being a shaman, nagual, etc., without any understanding of the responsibility, the sacrifice and the discipline involved. And that is a dangerousl role to take on for both the wannabes and for the seekers naively wanting a close-up and personal experience with a real shaman! It brings with it it’s own lessons.

Know this. One can’t authorize himself/herself to become one. It is never a self-bestowed title. It is an acknowledgement given to them for the knowledge that they carry and the power that they wield.

The nagual soul is recognized at birth by certain signs and qualities, and is usually tied through ancestral lineage. They do have teachers in the physical plane who assist them while in training, but it’s largely those from the spirit world, the unseen, that become the nagual’s greatest ally, teacher and protector.

The spirits are in hot pursuit of nagual souls as soon as they are born. You see, the spirits are like people in the way that they too, love. They recognize and claim the nagual as their own and will keep seeking him/her until the nagual accepts their mission and their full relationship with them. There are other “markers” or signs to know a nagual, a shaman, and other emissaries when you meet them, and we will speak more about this in the May 2024 workshop


You may not have been born marked for the shamanic or nagual path, but we are all born into this world with the same potential to be every bit as powerful. The problem we are facing now is believing that to be true.

Yours is just a different route to walk, so never give your power away through adoration of another, no matter how holy, magical or cool you believe them to be. Yes, give them respect for being the guides and master teachers that they are, the ones who may help lead you to a better understanding of yourself along the way, but never your power. That is yours to keep.  Now, let’s get back to some more stories you were never taught in school.We are born into this world along with our soul group, incarnating within the same “dream” (epoch of time) on the planet, time after time. You know, those people that you feel you have known forever? Those souls who just happen to show up at the right time in the right place. In the toltec tradition it is known as the law of the nagual.When we are conscious of this and understand the deep spiritual link with members of our soul group, the more we can evolve in our own individual soul work and our collective mission.

Soul groups come in together to accomplish a certain task here on earth. It’s like a group effort or collaboration that wouldn’t be possible (or at least more difficult) for just one individual soul to do on their own. One of the most famous soul groups of course, was Jesus and his apostles. Do you think he just randomly picked twelve disciples out of the crowd and said “follow me”? There is always order in the Divine Plan. Jesus knew them before they knew themselves. It was preordained for the role that they each played, including Judas, so don’t judge what you may not fully understand.

Our soul group as a collective has its own frequency or energy signature, and like a sonar detector we (hopefully) find each other along the way. I know that this is true. I have spent many years and have travelled many places to find my own soul group. And I continue to do so as I walk my path. Each reunion has been like a tall glass of water in the desert heat, a tonic for my soul.